Our new Design Code for the borough of Great Yarmouth has been adopted as a Supplementary Planning Document by the Council. One of the first authority-wide design codes to have been formally adopted, and the first to cover both urban and rural areas in a single code, we are delighted with the positive feedback that the Design Code has had through the consultation and adoption process.
The Great Yarmouth Design Code is intended to improve the quality and, most importantly, consistency of design across the area. It applies to all scales of development, from large housing sites to infill projects within existing neighbourhoods. The Design Code identifies a range of character areas and development types, and puts in place specific design code requirements for each type. Alongside this, authority-wide code requirements for aspects of design such as climate change adaptation and mitigation, biodiversity, sustainable drainage and building details are put in place.
The Design Code is now a material planning consideration and we are discussing with the Council how to potentially incorporate it into the emerging new Local Plan.