We were commissioned by Colchester City Council to develop a new masterplan for Colchester city centre, working as part of a team led by We Made That, and including Steer, PRD and Authentic Futures. The masterplan sets out strategic principles, an urban design framework and site specific briefs to guide the development of the city centre over the next 10-15 years, and is now an adopted Supplementary Planning Document, making it a material consideration in the determination of planning applications for the city centre area.
We led on the development of site specific briefs and strategies for the allocated development areas within the masterplan boundary, including Vineyard Gate, Britannia Yard and the former Bus Station site, as well as the public realm frameworks for the High St, Southway and St Botolph's Circus. We also led on local engagement including workshops with local youth clubs, community groups and public pop-ups at festivals and markets.
A focus of the masterplan is reconnecting the city centre better with its surrounding neighbourhoods, particularly to the south, and creating inspiring and welcoming public spaces alongside the Roman Wall wherever possible.
This builds on our work in Colchester over a number of years on public realm, independent business, culture, community development and our own investment in the city centre - and is part of our commitment to helping Colchester make the most of its new city status.